Because Only Together We Can

Build a World Where All Are Safe, Strong & Valued

Who We Are

Our organisation is committed to providing all the required resources to the poor and needy people. We always look for donors who can help us in shaping poor people’s lives.

Social Welfare Society’s mission is to make our society a better place by providing resources to the underprivileged sections of our society.

What We Do

Medical Treatments

We provide medical treatments to the needy people.

Food, Clothes, etc

Making under privileged people's lives better by providing food, clothes and more.

Child Education

We understand that children are the base of any society.

To Build Homes

Creating or helping to build their homes with required help.


Clean environment's role is pivotal in developing a nation.

Clean Water

Clean drinking water is everyone's right so we help in creating a pool of clean water.

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